Thursday, January 8, 2009

1/5 - 1/11: Sylvia


I really wanted this movie to be better. Really I did. So much so that I sat in my little chair, perpetually shoving popcorn into my ever-loving mouth as my mind kept repeating, "Just wait,'s going to get good here in a second. Wait for it. Wait for it. And...roll credits...


I enjoy Sylvia Path's poetry, as well as her life story. Unfortunately, this movie spent about 2 hours covering only a slice of it all. What a pity.

What I Learned:

Gwyneth Paltrow made me forget she was Gwyneth Paltrow, and actually had me believing she was Sylvia there's that.

When a story is inherently dramatic, lay off the damn dramatic musical interludes for fuck sake.

Regardless of how much of the story was left out, I still have a strange affection and curiosity toward Sylvia Plath.


  1. can i give you some suggestions for your cinematic viewing??
    walk the line
    waiting for guffman
    200 cigarettes
    those should keep you busy for now- and will give great reviews :)
