Monday, February 16, 2009

2/9/09 - 2/15/09: Friday the 13th 2009


Here's what I'm going to admit to you while trying not to feel a slight twinge of embarrassment: So far, out of the new movies I've seen thus far (Read: I'm not counting the Bridget Jones movies)...this one has been my favorite.

And actually, now that I've said it, I see no reason to be ashamed. It was fun, it was funny, and it made me jump and scream every now and again. And, for once, the obnoxious audience commentary wasn't really that obnoxious (minus a comment about Vagisil made early on...ewww.) But actually, I'm glad I spent 10 bucks on this movie...and mainly because I got to see it at midnight ON FRIDAY the 13th. That in itself was pretty brilliant. Also, the lady at the Walgreens who sold me the candy we snuck in was ridiculous and wonderful...she was like the preshow. And I think, from now on, I may just visit her before every movie I see.

What I Learned:
A campy (no pun intended) horror film is not a campy horror film without boobs. And the placement of boob shots in this version, well, sometimes it's expected...other times it's so ridiculous and out of place that it's a brilliant way.

My favorite characters always die first in horror films...or at least much earlier than I would have liked. So, note to all of you: If I like you, and you happen to find yourself being hunted by a masked maniac? Well, it was nice knowin' ya.

Also, anytime a character curses at, yet respectfully addresses, an inanimate object by its name, this does not go unappreciated. And, in my book, created the greatest line in the entire film (Some might consider this a spoiler...but really it's not...I'm just giving you a heads up) :

"Where the f**k are you, Gun?!?!"

Also, major props to Locksley's "She Does" appearing on the soundtrack! Hells yeah.

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